Volume 17 Issue 1 - July 2020

  • 1. Analysis of waste to energy opportunities in cassava sago industry

    Authors : Venkata Sandeep Vankayala, P. Abdul Salam

    Pages : 102-106

    DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.171.16

    Keywords : Cassava, Sago production, waste to energy, opportunities, biogas

    Abstract :

    Cassava to the sago processing industry in India is one of the energy-intensive and waste generating industries. These wastes can be converted into energy and have the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This study analyzes the waste to energy opportunities in a factory that produces sago from cassava. The sago producing process includes peeling, washing, rasping, straining, and sedimentation. During the production of one tonne of sago, 0.246 tonne peel and 2.91 tonne wet pulp, and 12.67 tonne wastewater generated. The possible waste to energy options for each waste were identified and discussed. Among all the options identified, producing biogas using the cassava peel, cassava pulp, and wastewater has high potential. The biogas could be easily generated and used to satisfy the heating and electricity requirements of the industry.

    Citing this Journal Article :

    Venkata Sandeep Vankayala, P. Abdul Salam, "Analysis of waste to energy opportunities in cassava sago industry", Volume 17 Issue 1 - July 2020, 102-106