Volume 12 Issue 1 - November 2018

  • 1. Indoor navigation using wild-1 (wi-fi based tracker, errand person, and information lumberjack) and kalman filters (kf)-a raspberry pi project

    Authors : Sanjana Sambur

    Pages : 15-18

    DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.121.04

    Keywords : KF (Kalman Filter), WILD-1 (Wi-Fi based Tracker, Errand person, and Information Lumberjack), Indoor Navigation.

    Abstract :

    Currently, navigation has been utilized in different applications. It is an imperative application for knowing the subtle elements of its movement for further assessment of its way and its collected environment. Indoor route is a framework that can enable individuals to find objects or other individuals inside a building. It is now and again called Indoor GPS. This additional data can be utilized for getting more insights about the remote area or about the indoor buildings. With WILD-1 and KF we can accomplish the answers for getting the exact location. KF deliver viable outcomes and has been undermined by numerous engineers. It demonstrates its motivation by having applications in different fields like robotics, avionics, military applications space applications et cetera. Through WILD-1 we can speak with the associates who appear with these gadgets. To appraise the experiencing development, we utilize Kalman Filter approach when sometimes GPS won’t be adequate to locate indoor objects.

    Citing this Journal Article :

    Sanjana Sambur, "Indoor navigation using wild-1 (wi-fi based tracker, errand person, and information lumberjack) and kalman filters (kf)-a raspberry pi project ", Volume 12 Issue 1 - November 2018, 15-18