Volume 9 Issue 3 - January 2018

  • 1. The failure study of bed ash silo a case study

    Authors : Sagarika Panda, Dr. A M Mohanty

    Pages : 76-79

    DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.93.15

    Keywords : Silo, RCC failure, Silo construction, Bed Ash silo operation, Conical RCC hopper

    Abstract :

    Silo collapses is common in the industry. It also gets deformed or distorted during use. A conical RCC hopper of the bed ash silo of 2X62.5MW failed prematurely without occupational hazard. In this case, failure occurred as the RCC hopper got separated from RCC ring beam. The failure was analyzed considering design, construction workmanship, material used, operation, and maintenance. This is a suspended cone hopper. However in the recent designs the cone hopper is supported from below by a reinforced concrete ring slab and sides are filled with concrete. During erection and construction of RCC, fault occurred in and around ring beam and suspended hopper joint. In joint area porous concrete was seen and it caused cracks in concrete. It is due to lack of approach and poor compaction. The ingress of air and moisture into the concrete face corroded reinforcement bars. Incorrect steel rod binding and improper development length results in insufficient concrete cover. The bars were placed out of position or in the wrong position. In this case the reinforcement bars got sheared and yielded at the junction of the hopper and ring beam causing collapse when the RCC hopper is even partially loaded.

    Citing this Journal Article :

    Sagarika Panda, Dr. A M Mohanty, "The failure study of bed ash silo a case study", Volume 9 Issue 3 - January 2018, 76-79