Volume 8 Issue 1 - January 2017

  • 1. Mathematical degradation model for transcriptional regulation of brac1

    Authors : S.lakshmi, K.majella Jenvi Ignatia

    Pages : 440-448

    DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.81.056

    Keywords : Reliability function R(t)Hazard rate average H(u)Breast cancer gene1(BRCA1)Trefoil Factor (TFF1)Neibor of BRCA1 gene 2 (NBR2)

    Abstract :

    In this paper we study the degradation processes of the altered BRCA1 transcription using Generalized Birth and death process and Hazard rate function H(u) in order to find the bound and mean life time for the breast cancer affected patients. The results available in literature show that Estrogen kinetics most vigorously in breast cancer and dismisses CtBP which leads to break the linkages in tumor cells and control. The breakthrough is that Estrogen kinetics inhibits most vigorously in breast cancer and dismisses CtBP which leads to break the linkages in tumor cells and control rather than Trichostatin and its kinetics as Estrogen has most effect on breast cancer. We have also shown that Estrogen has better effect rather than Trichostatin by considering hazard rate and mean life time of BRCA1 transcription. Mean life time provided by TrichostatinA and TrichostatinA plus cycloheximide behaves as the bound for mean life time provided by Estrogen and Estrogen plus cycloheximide for Trefoil factor 1. Also we state that NBR2 promoters have the same effects between Trichostatin kinetics and Estrogen kinetics The study of Estrogen and Trichostatin in this biological criteria which is considered for our study only concentrated on behaviour of Estrogen effects and concluded that E2+CH substantially induces BRAC1 neither TFF1 nor NBR2. We extend this result that BRCA1 altered transcription has better inhibition in HDAC than untreated control and the Estrogen kinetics inhibits most vigorously in breast cancer and dismisses CtBP which leads to break the linkages in tumor cells and control rather than Trichostatin. Further we extend this study by developing Degradation model from Birth and Death process and derive the Reliability function. Hazard rate average for the same biological system. Therefore we can find the influence of the harmone and its kinetics on the three different secretary proteins.

    Citing this Journal Article :

    S.lakshmi, K.majella Jenvi Ignatia, "Mathematical degradation model for transcriptional regulation of brac1", Volume 8 Issue 1 - January 2017, 440-448