Volume 7 Issue 4 - November 2016

  • 1. Interpolation search: a memoized approach

    Authors : Deepti Verma, Kshama Paithankar

    Pages : 218-224

    DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.21172/1.74.029

    Keywords : Interpolation Search, Memoization, Execution Time

    Abstract :

    While dealing with a large amount of data, methods/ techniques are to be used to perform searching appropriate data. Time is the core concern while evaluating performance of these techniques. While addressing this issue, for further time minimization, an efficient method as an extension of binary search namely Interpolation Search technique has been emerged. Observations led to move towards optimization of the performance of this algorithm. Literature reveals optimization of time in various algorithms achieved through an approach of memoization. Hence, interpolation search technique is implemented with memorization in this paper. The results indicate a significant time reduction and thus achieve the objective of improving performance of interpolation search technique.

    Citing this Journal Article :

    Deepti Verma, Kshama Paithankar, "Interpolation search: a memoized approach", Volume 7 Issue 4 - November 2016, 218-224