Summer Special Issue - - June 2016

  • 1. A novel approach to improve efficient information retrieval based on natural language processing

    Authors : Umamaheswari R, Shanthi N, Thenmozhi M

    Pages : 275-279

    DOI :

    Keywords : Keywords: Information Retrieval, Classification, Natural Language Processing.(NLP).

    Abstract :

    Today, the web documents are available in electronic form and also it is scattered all over the world. The finding of exact information is very difficult. The Natural Language Processing (NLP) is used to build the good representations of meaning from unstructured text information. The classification process also plays important role while extract the information. In our proposed work the text processing and the Term Vector is constructed using Wordnet based relations. Wordnet provides synonyms, hyponyms and hypernym based relations for the given document set. This method gives 0.5% accuracy over other method.The emerging areas like data mining, web searching, Information retrieval both structured and unstructured data has lots of challenges. To evaluate the good pattern classification and clustering techniques are used. NLTK tool kit is used for text categorization. For good classification and semantic related classifications NLP (Natural Language Processing) concepts is used. Semantic similarity is the measure used to extract information based on concept wise and context wise. Most of the information scattered in the form of text in World Wide Web (WWW). NLTK provides good analysis in semantic similarity between sentences and words. The new architecture is proposed for improving the efficient searching and information retrieval.

    Citing this Journal Article :

    Umamaheswari R, Shanthi N, Thenmozhi M, "A novel approach to improve efficient information retrieval based on natural language processing", Summer Special Issue - - June 2016, 275-279