Summer Special Issue - - June 2016

  • 1. Elicitation of vascular diameter in digital retina

    Authors : Shiny Priyadarshini, Gladis D

    Pages : 235-241

    DOI :

    Keywords : Blood vessel; Kirsch template; Termination; Vascular diameter

    Abstract :

    The Human retina has network of blood vessel with a neat, unique biometric pattern that helps in personal identification. So the biometric pattern analysis along with vascular diameter provides better accuracy results for personal identity of normal human retina as well as for human with retinal disorders. This paper focuses on the new method in the estimation of blood vessel diameter through minutiae markings in a digital fundus image. It highlights the extraction of blood vessel pattern using kirsch’s template and further enhanced for noise removal and accuracy using edge detection and filters. The minutiae points are extracted to take the termination count by applying crossing number concept. The distance is finally calculated between the two extracted termination points. The result proves that the both termination count and vessel diameter is accountable for personal identification especially for humans with retinal disorders.

    Citing this Journal Article :

    Shiny Priyadarshini, Gladis D, "Elicitation of vascular diameter in digital retina ", Summer Special Issue - - June 2016, 235-241