Volume 6 Issue 3 - January 2016

  • 1. Feature based growth rate analysis and pattern recognition of mesenchymal stem cells

    Authors : Nathiya R, Priya Vadani, G.sivaradje

    Pages : 328-337

    Keywords : Mesenchymal stem cells Non Sub sampled Contourlet Transform (NSCT) Modified Non Sub sampled Contourlet Transform (MNSCT)

    Abstract :

    Stem cell is a generic cell that can make exact copies of it. Stem cells are master cells and can grow into different cell types in the body during evolution. Different parts of your body are made up of different kinds of cells. Stem cells are not specific to one area in the body and can turn into skin, bone, blood or brain cells. Occasionally stem cells do not build up accurately once injecting to human body, which will lead to complicated. To avoid this problem the growth of the stem cell should be monitored with the help of morphological and textural characteristics. Meanwhile, with the rapid development of feature extraction and pattern recognition techniques, it provides people with new thought on the study on complex image retrieval while it’s very difficult for traditional machine learning method to get ideal retrieval results. Pattern Recognition is one of the very important and actively searched trait or branch of artificial intelligence. It is the science which tries to mak

    Citing this Journal Article :

    Nathiya R, Priya Vadani, G.sivaradje, "Feature based growth rate analysis and pattern recognition of mesenchymal stem cells", Volume 6 Issue 3 - January 2016, 328-337